
Claudia, Balgowlah Heights NSW

“I purchased the Qubies for myself and my daughter who will be having a baby later in the year. I will be giving them to her as a surprise. However, I have been using them to freeze freshly chopped parsley. I buy 4 bunches at a time and find it quite handy popping a cube out when needed The trays are nice and thin and easy to store. ”

Claudia, Balgowlah Heights NSW


Rachael, Melbourne VIC

“I bought some Qubies last week at the Melbourne Baby Show and i just wanted to say thank you! They are just amazing. I never thought they could be that easy. Its saved me so much time and effort with your fantastic product and now i have more time with my kids! Thanks so much! ”

Rachael, Melbourne VIC


Amanda, Hunters Hill NSW

“Absolutely love our Qubies. I already had 4 and ordered another 4 recently. I use them for freezing mashed veggies, portions of spaghetti Bolognese, and even precooked pasta portions. I can then create different meals and different tastes for my son by combining different portions together. I recommend them for all my friends when they start having children. I have tried other food freezing solutions and find Qubies the easiest by far. I also use them to freeze portions of pesto, so I can just grab out a single portion as I need it instead of letting my fresh pesto go off in the fridge. I currently empty my Qubies into containers for the freezer, so I can label and stack all the different frozen foods neatly in a small top freezer compartment. This is great when we have a Nanny or someone else is looking after my son, or even if my husband is home with him it is easy to direct him to which food and how much. Thanks again for inventing such a smart product! A Big Fan! ”

Amanda, Hunters Hill NSW

Rebbecca, Kingsford NSW

“I have to say that I love my new Qubies. Congrats on you business – what a great idea. ”

Rebbecca, Kingsford NSW

Amelia, Seventeen Mile Rocks QLD

“My feedback is all great! I bought 2 qubies to help with freezing up baby food for my bubby and have found them so good that I have just ordered 2 more yesterday! I love how easy they are to use – so much less fiddly the trying to scoop puree into individual ice cubes. Really easy to keep clean too – I just pop them in the top drawer of my dishwasher with everything else. I think the portion sizes are also ideal, and on the odd occasion that I want smaller cubes I just fill them up halfway. They seem very strong also – I have dropped them a couple of times by accident and they are still perfect. All in all I have found qubies a fantastic product – I am recommending them to all my friends! ”

Amelia, Seventeen Mile Rocks QLD

Malessa, Facebook N/A

“I love my Qubies! Fantastic product – so quick and simple to fill, a twist and the tray empties easily and so easy to clean. The cubes make great portion sizes too. ”

Malessa, Facebook N/A


Alicia, Facebook NA

“I love my qubies, i use them every time i cook up some food for my baby. They are great. ”

Alicia, Facebook NA

Kara-Lee, Murdoch WA

“I love my Qubies. My sister in law actually gave me the two she had from my nephew when he outgrew them. I loved them so much that I bought another for myself and one for my sister to use with my niece. My cousin is also pregnant, and I’ve shown her my qubies- she loved the idea. Anyway, I love your product and am showing it to all and sundry! ”

Kara-Lee, Murdoch WA

Megan M, Facebook

“I absolutely love them. They are so easy to use and clean. The food just pops out so easily in great portions. I love the colours and the quality is great. i really needed another one as have been using them heaps lately. i must look at your recipes too :) Your customer service is fantastic also. thanks again :)”

Megan M, Facebook


Jacki, Facebook

“I started using my Qubies this week for my beautiful baby who started solids (boo hoo – he’s growing up) and I LOVE them!!!!! what a fantastic invention – they really ARE as good as the packaging says. For my daughter I used Tupperware ice cube trays with push out bottoms which I thought were good at the time – they …are now actually in the bin. I need more Qubies now for my moments of gourmet pumpkin cooking – 2 containers is not enough!!! ”

Jacki, Facebook